Heavy-ion Nuclear Reactions Leading to Super-heavy Nuclei(13)原子核的中子質(zhì)子密度差對熔合以及裂變的影響(70)原子核質(zhì)量表更新:new nuclear mass table(21)FUSSCAT:熔合與準彈散射截面計算(23)低能融合反應的集體運動(dòng)與強阻尼反應的研究(15)
Program 'HIVAP' for calculations of fusion- and evaporation residue cross sections
Author: W. Reisdorf, GSI
References: 1) W. Reisdorf, Z. Phys. A300, 227 (1981).
2) W. Reisdorf et al., Nucl. Phys. A 438, 212 (1985).
請參閱文獻 Phys. Rev. C 77, (2008) 014603; Nucl.Phys.A768 (2006) 80
Ning Wang, 2008-08-21,
wangning@gxnu.edu.cn; ningmany@gmail.com
該程序已經(jīng)將最大的分波修改為 300. 原來(lái)是100. By C.W.Shen
Originally the L-max is 100.
to change the L-max, you should change the following.
hivap.f Change the JDIM to that you want. XXX
change All of the EJAY to EJAY(5*XXX) in all common block /YR/
change All of the YRSMO to YRSMO(5*XXX) in all common block /DNS/
change ARRAY, YJK to (XXX) in densty.f
2007年5月23日:Ning Wang and Kai Zhao
(1) 這組程序的最大分波為L(cháng)=300.
(2) 液滴模型的裂變位壘的計算由hivapein.dat中的 FISROT PARAMETER 控制。新
增加的一個(gè)是經(jīng)驗擬合的液滴裂變位壘, 即將 fisrot parameter設為3. 該公式
取自:Phys. Rev. C 77, 014603 (2008)
(3) 由于Esh=Eexp-Eld, 已經(jīng)包含了對能,因此在計算中,需要將pairing設置為0.
(4) 熔合(俘獲)截面由經(jīng)驗的位壘分布計算,M.Liu, N Wang, et al., Nucl.Phys.A768(2006)80.
(5) 能級密度參數采用了標準的HIVAP(1981)參數 (在seqin.f中).
上述 (2)-(4)的修改,幾乎都在sepenf.f中進(jìn)行。由于讀取fisrot parameter的需要,
------------ Ning Wang, 2008-08-21 --------------
1) 輸入文件:input.dat (從HIVAP.F中讀入)
需要輸入反應體系彈核與靶核的質(zhì)量和電荷:A1, Z1, A2, Z2
另外還需要輸入質(zhì)心入射能量 Ecm, 最后輸入0,代表能量輸入結束
2) 輸出文件: SIGMA.DAT
Mainly changed program: SEPENF.F
another subroutine "linkfus.f" is added to calculate the fusion cross section
(1) The upper limit of the maximal angular momentum L=300
(2) For the parameter "FISROT PARAMETER", more option, 3, could be set. If
this parameter is set to 3, the empirical formular for macroscopic fission
barrier will be included. Phys. Rev. C 77, 014603 (2008)
(3) Because in fission barrier calculation, Esh=Eexp-Eld, the pairing energy is already
included, pairing calculation option should be set to zero.
(4) The fusion cross section is calculated by the method in reference NPA768(2006)80
(5) The level density parameter proposed by Reisdorf in 1981 is adopted.
some other changes: (By C.shen, K.Zhao and N.Wang)
(1) hivap.f, we add "CALL LINKFUS()" to incorporate our formula for \sigma_{fus}.
(2) sepenf.f, (IFISRT.NE.2) ---> (IFISRT.EQ.0) for Liquid-drop barrier
(IFISRT.EQ.2) for Sierk's barrier
(IFISRT.EQ.3) for barrier defined by user
some other models for fission barrier are added and tested.
(3) rowout.f, add "write(1236, )" to output the cross sections.
(4) rot.f, "DM0=BFCPS" is added to avoid the overflow caused by DM0=0 for super-heavy nuclei.
(5) msben.f, "CMASS=SMASS+SHLL" is added to some null return value for some nuclei, such as (nuclues with Z=113,A=285)
(6) grids.f, "M=0", "N=0", "Exmax=0" are added by Kai Zhao.
(7) fusio.f, the error function ERFC(x) is added.
(8) file.f, "linkfus.f" is added.
(9) alloc.f, some additional files are created by N.Wang.
(10) to search for "!", one can find the main changes by N. Wang.
------------ Ning Wang, 2008-08-21 --------------
To do our calculations more convenient, we add additional input and output files
1) input file:input.dat (use in HIVAP.F)
input the mass and charge of the reaction system:A1, Z1, A2, Z2
input the center-of-mass energy: Ecm , '0' to finish Ecm input;
2) output files: SIGMA.DAT
From left to right:center-of-mass energy、capture (fusion) cross section, total evaporation residue cross section, fission cross section, upper limit of the capture cross section, lower limit of the capure cross section;
From left to right:number of evaporated protons, number of evaporated neutrons, center-of-mass energy, capture cross section, evaporation cross section at this channel, fission cross section